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Anthropology Books

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Anthropology is the study of humankind, past and present, that draws and builds upon knowledge from the social sciences and biological sciences, as well as the humanities and the natural sciences. *Wikipedia

Anthropology Books by the following authors
Click on the images for more information.

Anthropology Books by Robert Ardrey

Picture of Book Terratorial Imperative Cover

The Territorial Imperative

This is a synopsis of a very broad subject.

Biology has been simplified and brought to the readership of the general public without losing any of its immense complexity or wonder.

Anthropology Books by Desmond Morris

Picture of Catwatching Book Cover Catwatching and Catlore

Desmond Morris answers 120 questions about cats.

Picture of People Watching Book Cover Naked Ape

The Naked Ape is an intensely provocative and compulsively entertaining study of Man, his sexual and social habits, his aggressions and affections, his gestures and emotions..

Picture of The Naked Ape Book Cover People Watching

Everything you wanted to know about body language is here.

Anthropology Books by Laurens van der Post

Picture of Venture to the Interior Book Cover Venture to the Interior

Summoned to Whitehall in 1949, Laurens van der Post was told that in old British Central Africa there were two large tracts of country that London didn`t really know anything about, and could he go there on foot and take a look, please?

Venture to the Interior is the account of that journey, a journey into nature filled with adventure and discovery.

Picture of Heart of the Hunter Book Cover Heart of the Hunter

The moving sequel to Lost World of the Kalahari in which Laurens van der Post records everything he has learned of the life and lore of Africa`s first inhabitants and their environment.

Picture of A Walk with a White Bushman Book Cover A Walk with a White Bushman

Explorer, philosopher, writer and film-maker, Sir Laurens van der Post is one of the most influential figures of our era.

Here, in conversation with Jean-Marc Pottiez, he records his ideas and insights into a whole range of issues and personalities, forged by a lifetime of experience and challenge.