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Picture of Granta 89 Factory Book Cover

Granta Magazine 89 The Factory

Picture of It Doesn't Have to be Like This book cover

It Doesn't Have to be Like This by David Icke

Picture of Only One Earth book cover

Only One Earth by Barbara Ward and Rene Dubos



Picture of The Dream of the Earth Cover

The Dream of the Earth by Thomas Berry

Picture of Pilgrim At Tinker Creek Book Cover

Pilgrim At Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard

Picture of Magic of the Senses Book Cover

Magic of the Senses by Vitus B Droscher

Picture of The Sea Brings Forth Book Cover

The Sea Brings Forth by Jack Rudloe

Picture of On the Edge of the Primeval Forest Book Cover

Albert-Schweitzer Albert Schweitzer

Picture of Venture to the Interior Book Cover

Venture to the Interior by Laurens Van Der Post


Animals & Pets

Picture of Irish Setters Book Cover

Irish Setters by Albert Schweitzer

Picture of Catwatching and Catlore Book Cover

Catwatching and Catlore by Desmond Morris
