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Marion Zimmer Bradley

Picture of Marion Zimmer Bradley

Marion Zimmer Bradley was born on June 3, 1930 and died on September 25, 1999.

Bradley is known for her fantasy, historical fantasy and science fiction novels, her most famous work being the novel about King Arthur, The Mists of Avalon.

Heartlight is the fourth novel in the Witchlight series, written around the same time as The Mists of Avalon, but with a different emphasis.

Marion Zimmer Bradley Books
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Lady of Avalon


Marion Zimmer Bradley Lady of Avalon

Picture of Lady of Avalon Cover Book Review:

Third part of the Avalon trilogy.
The Defender, by the name of Arthur is coming to save the land from destruction at the hands of the Saxon hordes.

About Lady of Avalon:

  • Genre: Fantasy Fiction Series: Avalon 3
  • Condition: In Good Condition
  • Published by: Penguin Paperback Reprint
  • Published Date: 1998
  • ISBN 978014024193
  • Book Weight: 260g
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Marion Zimmer Bradley Books

About Marion Zimmer Bradleyo


Marion Zimmer Bradley Heartlight

Picture of Heartlight Cover Book Review:

Colin MacLaren carries the banner of Light through the second half of the twentieth century.
Ghostbuster, exorcist, student and teacher of the mystic arts.
Colin rescues Claire Moffat from a cult bent on human sacrifice.
This cult is led by Toller Hasloch who manipulated the American policies to his own ends away from the Light.
Colin is the only one who can face Hasloch and the hellhounds he has unleashed on the world.

About Heartlight:

  • Genre: Fantasy Fiction Series: Witchlight 4
  • Condition: Slight wear to covers otherwise Very Good Copy
  • Published by: Tor Paperback Reprint
  • Published Date: 2003
  • ISBN 081257107X
  • Book Weight: 276g
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Marion Zimmer Bradley Books

About Marion Zimmer Bradleyo
