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Mary McCarthy

Picture of Mary McCarthy Mary McCarthy wrote 5 novels including Crescendo and Shame the Devil.

She also wrote articles for the Irish Times and the Irish Independent.

Mary McCarthy died in 2013.

Mary McCarthy Books
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Shame the Devil

Mary McCarthy Crescendo

Picture of Crescendo Cover Book Review:

Michelle Bolger is a woman in control - but a sinister force lurks outside the charmed circle of her life.

About Crescendo:

  • Genre: Irish Fiction Novel
  • Condition: Slight wear to covers otherwise Good Copy
  • Published by: Poolbeg Paperback
  • Published Date: 1998
  • ISBN 1853718572
  • Book Weight: 295g
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Mary McCarthy Books

About Mary McCarthy


Mary McCarthy Shame the Devil

Picture of Shame the Devil Cover Book Review:

A year after her mother's death, Amy Kennedy is still haunted by her presence.
Her mother was cruel and vindictive to her. A letter arrives addressed to her mother.
In it are leads that Amy suspects will help her understand what made her mother what she was. She follows.

About Shame the Devil:

  • Genre: Irish Fiction Novel
  • Condition: Slight wear to covers otherwise Good Copy
  • Published by: Poolbeg Paperback
  • Published Date: 2002
  • ISBN 1842230603
  • Book Weight: 266g
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Mary McCarthy Books

About Mary McCarthy
