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Andrew O'Hagan

Andrew O'Hagan is primarily an author of both fiction and non-fiction books who has won many awards for his work.

Our Fathers and Be Near Me were both nominated for the Booker Prize.

Andrew O'Hagan Books
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The Life and Opinions of Maf the Dog

Andrew O'Hagan The Life and Opinions of Maf the Dog

Picture of The Life and Opinions of Maf the Dog Book Cover Book Review:

Mafia Honey was a dog owned by Marilyn Monroe, a gift from a certain "Frankie".
This book is a comedy based on the dog's impressions.

About The Life and Opinions of Maf the Dog:

  • Genre: Fiction Novel
  • Condition: Good Clean Copy
  • Published by: Faber & Faber Paperback
  • Published Date: 2010
  • ISBN 9760571216000
  • Book Weight: 240g
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Andrew O'Hagan Books

About Andrew O'Hagan