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Literary Criticism Books

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Literary Criticism Books on writers and techniques and styles of writing

Literary Criticism by the following authors
Click on the images for more information.

Picture of Writers on Writing
Writers on Writing by Walter Allen

Picture of Osborne
Osborne by Martin Banham

Picture of Sartre book cover
Sartre by Arthur C Danto

Picture of Arnold Bennett A Biography
Arnold Bennett A Biography by Margaret Drabble

Picture of Dark Sun
Dark Sun - A Study of D H Lawrence's Works by Graham Hough

Picture of New Writing in Europe
New Writing in Europe by John Lehmann

Picture of Shaw and the Nineteenth Century Theatre
Shaw and the Nineteenth Century Theatre by Martin Meisel

Picture of German Men of Letters
German Men of Letters by Alex Natan

Picture of A Writer's Notebook
A Writer's Notebook by W Somerset Maugham

Picture of Margin Released A Writer's Reminiscences and Reflections
Margin Released A Writer's Reminiscences and Reflections by J B Priestley