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Some books by Authors Surnames Beginning With the Letter B

Picture of Osborne by Martin Banham Book Cover Picture of The Sea by John Banville Book Cover Picture of Jihad vs McWorld by Benjamin R Barber Book Cover Picture of The Secret Scripture by Sebastian Barry Book Cover Picture of Ballet by Cecil Beaton Book Cover Picture of The Silent Man by Alex Berenson Book Cover Picture of A Fair View by Henk J van den Berg Book Cover Picture of Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown Book Cover Picture of The Wanting Seed by Anthony Burgess Book Cover

Authors Surnames Beginning With the Letter B

About Authors Genre Find Books
Richard Bach Fiction Richard Bach Books
Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh Religion Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh Books
J G Ballard Fiction J G Ballard Books
Martin Banham Drama Books
Literary Criticism Books
Martin Banham Books
Iain Banks Fiction Iain Banks Books
Iain M Banks Science Fiction Iain M Banks Books
John Banville Irish Fiction John Banville Books
Benjamin R Barber Politics Benjamin R Barber Books
Clive Barker Horror Clive Barker Books
Pat Barker Fiction Pat Barker Books
Julian Barnes Fiction Julian Barnes Books
John D Barrow Science John D Barrow Books
Sebastian Barry Irish Fiction Sebastian Barry Books
Beverly Barton Crime Fiction Beverly Barton Books
Colin Bateman Crime Fiction
Young Adult Fantasy Books
Colin Bateman Books
Jean Dominique-Bauby Autobiography Diving-Bell and the Butterfly
Stephen Baxter Science Fiction Stephen Baxter Books
Greg Bear Science Fiction Greg Bear Books
Cecil Beaton Autobiography Cecil Beaton Books
Mark Beaumont Music -Muse
Mark Beaumont Books
Mary Beckett Short Stories Mary Beckett Books
Martyn Bedford Fiction Martyn Bedford Books
Antony Beevor History Antony Beevor Books
Sally Belfrage Irish Interest Sally Belfrage Books
Arnold Bennett Fiction Arnold Bennett Books
John Berendt True Crime John Berendt Books
Alex Berenson Thrillers Alex Berenson Books
David Beresford Irish Interest David Beresford Books
Henk J van den Berg Art -Dutch Art Henk J van den Berg Books
John Berger Biography John Berger Books
Thomas Berry Environment Thomas Berry Books
Alfred Bester Science Fiction Alfred Bester Books
Nicholas Bethell History Nicholas Bethell Books
John Betjeman Poetry John Betjeman Books
Maeve Binchy Irish Fiction
Irish Interest
Maeve Binchy Books
Benjamin Black Crime Fiction
Irish Fiction
Benjamin Black Books
Howard Blum True Crime Howard Blum Books
Giovanni Boccaccio Fiction Giovanni Boccaccio Books
Dirk Bogarde Fiction Dirk Bogarde Books
Dermot Bolger Irish Fiction Dermot Bolger Books
Michael Bond Autobiography Michael Bond Books
Bjorn Borg Sport Bjorn Borg Books
William Boyd Fiction William Boyd Books
Clare Boylan Irish Fiction
Short Story Books
Clare Boylan Books
Andrew Boyle True Crime Andrew Boyle Books
John Boyne Irish Fiction
Children's Books
John Boyne Books
Arnold C Brackman History Books -
Arnold C Brackman Book
Ray Bradbury Science Fiction Ray Bradbury Books
Barbara Taylor Bradford Fiction Barbara Taylor Bradford Books
Marion Zimmer Bradley Fantasy Marion Zimmer Bradley Books
Richard Brautigan Fiction Richard Brautigan Books
Ann Breen and Dick Rigby Architecture Ann Breen and Dick Rigby Books
J H Brennan Young Adult Fantasy Books J H Brennan Books
Juliet Bressan Romance Juliet Bressan Books
Simon Brett Crime Fiction Simon Brett Books
Dr Sarah Brewer Health Dr Sarah Brewer Books
Spencer Bright Music -
Elton John
Spencer Bright Books
David Brin Science Fiction David Brin Books
Elise Broach Fiction Elise Broach Books
John Brockman Humour John Brockman Books
Cassandra Brooke Fiction Cassandra Brooke Books
Terry Brooks Fantasy Terry Brooks Books
Brigid Brophy Irish Fiction Brigid Brophy Books
Catherine Brophy Fantasy
Irish Fiction
Catherine Brophy Books
Dan Brown Fiction Dan Brown Books
Dee Brown History -
Native American Indians
Dee Brown Books
Noel Browne Politics Noel Browne Books.
Bill Bryson Travel Books
Bill Bryson Books
John Bryson Biography -
Dingo Baby Case
John Bryson Books
Margarete Buber Neumann Biography -
Milena Jesenska
Margarete Buber Neumann Books
Pearl S Buck Fiction Pearl S Buck Books
Vincent Bugliosi True Crime -
Charles Manson

Vincent Bugliosi Books
Charles Bukowski Fiction Charles Bukowski Books
Chris Bunch Fantasy Chris Bunch Books
John Bunyan Religion John Bunyan Books
Anthony Burgess Fiction
Anthony Burgess Books
Melvin Burgess Children's Melvin Burgess Books
Edmund Burke History
Edmund Burke Books
James Lee Burke Crime Fiction James Lee Burke Books
Augusten Burroughs Biography Augusten Burroughs Books
William Burroughs Fiction William Burroughs Books
Pierce Butler Irish Fiction Pierce Butler Books
A S Byatt Fiction A S Byatt Books

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